Housing Trust Fund of Santa Barbara County Workforce Homebuyer Down Payment Loan Program - South Coast

Program limited to narrowly defined areas.

Maximum Amount

Up to $115,500 (16.5% of Purchase Price)


  • The program helps bridge the homeownership affordability gap for local working households.
  • The program enables qualified families to purchase a home that provides a stable residence that strengthens the family, the neighborhood and the community.
  • Homebuyers who purchase a home within the Housing Trust Fund with a down payment loan from the South Coast Workforce Homebuyer Program may be eligible for discounts on First Mortgage loan processing and credit report fees, the buyer’s
    Estate Broker commission and Home Inspection fees if their employer is a member the Coastal Housing Partnership. The Coastal Housing Partnership is one of the Housing Trust Fund’s community partners. To determine if your employer is a member of Coastal Housing Partnership, you can contact info@CoastalHousing.org or call (969-1025. More information about the Coastal Housing Partnership is located online at: https://www.coastalhousing.org.

Participating Lenders

Approved Education Providers

STEP 1: Homebuyer Education. Complete an approved
Homebuyer Education Course


Program Provider Contact

Yvette Lounsbury, Homebuyer Loan Administrator, (805) 845-3585
OR Housing Trust Fund of Santa Barbara County, P. O. Box 60909
Santa Barbara, CA 93117

Website https://www.sbhousingtrust.org/